I really miss the delicious mussels I ate more than a decade ago. It's Chez de Leon on Champ Elysee. I wish I could taste them now! Just send me one pot and that'll be good enough! (Of course, more is better:))

Apart from the vision of mussels in my head, I had a wonderful day today. We finished our presentation with success and Prof Fok recognised our effort by prasing us that we are clever in applying different frameworks to different issues. Bravo! Thank God that all members are nice and kind. You know that I really have had bad experiences in working with "group members", actually that means ME working most of the time! We had lunches and we talked, discussed, shared and laughed. We all enjoy working with one another. I especially appreciate Carly's skills in using the ppt. We just had a great time! I feel very happy today!