2009年3月25日 星期三

lost n found

I think I must be a lovely child with a curious mind. I always toddled around to investigate and discover the world. One day, I walked to a police station and a policeman picked me up and asked me where I lived. I didn't answer him. as I looked so pretty, the policeman couldn't help bringing me inside the station and introduced this little lovely girl to other officers. They played with me while waiting for a worrying mom who had lost her child hurrying to the police station. In the end, mom came and found me.

2009年3月23日 星期一

The blue sky

The first memory in my life was when I was sitting at the front door of a hut where my parents and I lived in Wong Tai Sin. I was alone and the door of the house was open. The sky was blue and everything was peaceful except the running of my tears. I sobbed and tried to eat my bowl of plain rice, with some soup. I just could not eat it. It's not tasty at all. I had a mouthful of rice and I just kept the rice in my mouth until it turned into congee inside. I guess, I was about 1 or 2 years old. The space was vast and I was very small. I still remember, the first memory of the sky in my mind was blue, cool bluish blue:)